with Gwendolyn & Libby


Gather in the spirit of restful connection, come to be held and come to tend your heart and come to be together. (this is space for whatever needs space)

A field of exploration, a sacred playground for feeling as a path to getting free, we’re here to remember the small revolutions that happen everyday in our bodies and our breath.

In this 90 minute parcel we’ll gather around the hearth of simple and transformative process:

Rei ki teneohira: palm practice to nourish the subtle connections, to tend our energy and our spirit

Somatics: centering practice to strengthen our innate sense of dignity, belonging, and support

Breathwork: active meditation to resource and release

Rest Rest Rest Rest

multiple dates. attend one or all.

  • Saturday, February 8 at 10:30am CT

  • Sunday, February 23 at 10:30am CT

Post-Capitalist Relationship Based Pricing Model:
Contribute What You Can $1 to $50+
or use code HEARTH to book at no cost

22% will be redistributed to mutual aid networks. Please select a rate that feels supported and allows you to come as often as you would like.

Cameras are optional and there will be no direct asks to be on mic. The breathwork and rest practices during our gathering are best supported by having a private space where you can lay down uninterrupted (if possible!) but please come and partake in any ways you would like to/are able to.


Please note! Time listed for this event is CT. Check your timezone here.

a new invitation to join us in the softland, wherever you are, whatever is stirring.